Sustaining dry surfaces under water [news]

A team of researchers, led by Northwestern, identify a critical roughness scale for maintaining dry immersed surfaces. Collaborating institutions include: ETH Zürich, Arizona State University, MIT, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Tech. University of Denmark. more. Published article

Drag and thrust on swimming Knifefish

Traditional analyses of self–propulsion decompose the total force on a swimming body into drag (reverse) and thrust (foward); however, during steady self–propulsion, these forces balance. We have developed a different drag-thrust framework that helps to explain how undulatory organisms swim. more

Stabilizing the Leidenfrost film collapse [news]

The surfaces of a steel sphere was covered with a superhydrophobic coating to stabilize the collapse of the Leidenfrost film layer. This film formed during pool boiling when the surface was too hot to become wet by the ambient liquid. more

Three-dimensional eel swimming

An eel forces its muscles to move from side-to-side in the lateral direction in order to propel itself foward. A wake of vorticies are shed behind the swimming organism. more

Next-generation superhydrophobic coatings

Hierarchical structures, consisting of nanoscale and microscale geometries, were used to generate robust non-wetting surfaces. These surfaces may be used to repel water from objects such as raincoats or automobiles. more. Published article

A new metric for car efficiency

Passenger vehicles are one of the most widely used “machines” in the world, but do you know how efficient they are? Find out more at

Contact Information

Prof. Neelesh A. Patankar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3111

Email: n-patankar (at) northwestern dot edu
Phone: (847) 491-3021
Fax: (847) 491-3915