Principal Investigator

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replace "(at)" with "@",
and "dot" with ".". This
is done to prevent spam.

Prof. Neelesh Patankar

Professor and Associate Chair of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Post-doctoral Associate with Prof. Daniel D. Joseph from the University of Minnesota

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania

B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Email: n-patankar (at) northwestern dot edu

URL: http://patankar.mech.northwestern.edu

Phone: (847) 491-3021

Fax: (847) 491-3915

Academic statement

Curriculum vitae


Postdoctoral scholars

Wenjun "Walter" Kou

Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied mechanics

M.S. in Solid Mechanics from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

B.S. in Civil Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University

Research: Esophageal transport

Email: wenjunKou2016 (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Graduate students

Namu Patel

Ph.D. Candidate in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

M.S. in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University

B.S. in Applied Mathematics from the New Jersey Institute of Technology

B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology

Research: Neuromuscular mechanics, Aquatic locomotion

Email: namu (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Brennan Sprinkle

Ph.D. Candidate in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

M.S. in Applied Math and Computer Science from Colorado School of Mines

B.S. in Applied Math and Computer Science from Colorado School of Mines

Research: Aquatic locomotion, Brownian motion

Email: brennan (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Nishant Nangia

Ph.D. Candidate in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

M.S. in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University

B.S. in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research: Vehicle aerodynamics, Aquatic locomotion

Email: nish (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Tom Zhao

Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering

M.S. in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University

B.S. in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University

Research: Metasurface design

Email: tomzhao2014 (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Shashank Acharya

Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering

M.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania

B.E. (Hons.) in Mechanical Engineering from Birla Institute of Tech. & Science, Pilani

Research: Esophageal transport

Email: sach (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Bridget Popovic

M.S. Student in Mechanical Engineering

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University

B.S. in Manufacturing and Design Engineering

Research: Aquatic locomotion

Email: bridget.popovic (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Nichakarn "Pare" Laprungsirat

M.S. Student in Mechanical Engineering

B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University

Research: Aquatic locomotion

Email: nichakarnlaprungsirat2016 (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Jiahui Liu

M.S. Student in Mechanical Engineering

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Ohio State University

Research: Vehicle Performance

Email: jiahui877(at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Spencer Gellman

M.S. Student in Mechanical Engineering

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Research: Aquatic locomotion

Email: sgellman(at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Undergraduate students

Austin Han

Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering

Research: Odor source localization

Email: austinhan2018 (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Yosef Maynie

Undergraduate Student in Civil Engineering

Research: Fluid mechanics of ocean waves

Email: ymaynie (at) gmail dot com

Vyas Alwar

Undergraduate Student in Computer Science and Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

Research: Aquatic locomotion

Email: vyasalwar2018 (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Elizabeth McTighe

Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing and Design Engineering

Research: Neuromuscular mechanics

Email: emctighe (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Avery Dempsey

Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering

Research: Metasurface design

Email: averydempsey2018 (at) u dot northwestern dot edu

Shaan Savarirayan

Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering

Research: CO2 capture surfaces

Email: shaan (at) u dot northwestern dot edu


Former doctoral students

  • Wenjun "Walter" Kou, PhD
  • Paul Jones, PhD
  • Nitin Sharma, PhD
  • Yong Chen, PhD
  • Bo He, PhD
  • Hua-Yi "Maggie" Hsu, PhD
  • Oscar M. Curet, PhD
  • Christine Darve, PhD
  • Amneet Bhalla, PhD
  • Rahul Bale, PhD

Former master's students

  • David Ma
  • Adrian Kirn
  • Zachary Rachlin
  • Angela Yang

Former postdoctoral associates

  • Dr. Silviu Podariu
  • Dr. Yong Chen
  • Dr. Anup Shirgaonkar
  • Dr. Srinivas Ramakrishnan

Former visiting scholars

  • Xiuqing Hao, PhD
  • Bai Ling, PhD